Project Details:

    Project title:
    Project details: *
    (use / number storeys)
    Site address: *
    (as much detail as possible, at least street and town)
    Start Date: *
    Project Duration: *
    Service Required: * Building Control
    SAP Calculations and EPC
    SBEM Calculations and EPC
    Latent Defect Auditing
    Fire Risk Assessment
    Air Pressure testing
    Sound Testing
    Energy Assessments (BREEAM/CfSH etc)
    Build costs / contract value £*:
    Fee (if agreed):
    Do you have a preferred Surveyor from Meridian you would like to use on your project
    Additional Info. / Message:
    Attach Documents - PDF only, maximum total file size = 10MB. If your file(s) are over 10MB, please share via Dropbox. Please note: Attachments are not saved. If you need to make any additions / corrections, please re-attach your document(s) at the end.
    Attach Document:

    Building Regulations Applications:

    Is this a new dwelling(s) / conversion to new dwelling(s)

    Building Owner / Land Owner Details

      Name: *
      Company: *
      Address: *
      Tel No: *
      Mobile: *
      Email: *

      Your Details:

      Are you a client?*:

      Agent Details:

      Tel No:

      Contractor Details:

      Tel No:

      Invoice Details:

        Invoice recipient: *
        Purchase Order ref:

        Sign Off:

          * I/We have read and accept Meridian Consults standard terms of engagement that have been downloaded from this site, and wish to commission Meridian Consult to provide the services outlined above and agree to Meridian Consult signing the Initial Notice form on my/our behalf.
          Name: *
          Date: *

          NOTE! We do not share your information with anyone else or a third party.