University Campus Redevelopment

Edge Hill University

John Turner Construction

Ormskirk, Lancashire

Project Summary:
Edge Hill University is based on an attractive, award-winning 160-acre campus in Lancashire, close to Liverpool and Manchester. The institution has been providing higher education since 1885, with a mission to create opportunity from knowledge. The University currently accommodates approximately 15000 students.

Meridian Consult have worked with the University’s Capital Projects and Facilities Management teams since 2003. During this time, the University has experienced significant growth & development. Collaborative projects include:

• A flagship £17m Creative Edge building.
• A new Arts Centre building that houses the Rose and Studio Theatres.
• A new Biosciences and Geosciences facilities
• A £13.5m Student Hub.
• A £30m Sports Centre that allows students, staff and the local community to enjoy some of the best sports facilities in the country.
• Thirteen phases of residential accommodation blocks.
• The £13.5m Technology Hub, providing classrooms, offices and lecture theatre.
• A new £26m library building – Catalyst. 

Services Used:
Building Control Services

  • Mixed Use multi-storey developments.
  • Designed and constructed to BS9999 & BS9991.
  • Fire engineering aspects.
  • Coordinated approach throughout the design process including attendance at design team meetings.
  • Continued liaison with local fire safety departments.
  • Site inspections at key stages of developments – photographic reports following each visit.